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VeGan Journey Truths

Naturally Curious

Growing Plants

The Roots

I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to start VeGan Journey Truths.

Eating Good, Living good and learning always. Time to share my joy, passion and knowledge with you.

Watch this Video Below to learn some Things a Vegan Eats

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The Journey had to start somewhere!

Writer: Vegan Journey TruthsVegan Journey Truths

Updated: Dec 25, 2018

Whatever the last meal you ate, that's all it was, a previous meal. Moving Upwards now... I am a vegan today and got here by making my own conscious decision. My reasoning may be different from every other persons journey but it is mine and you can start yours today.

When I started eating like a vegan I didn't have any expectations other than to learn more. And boy, is there a lot of information out there, nothing short of amazing. Don't forget to do your own research.

What is more reliable than your own two hands and a clean kitchen? Homemade is the way to go if you ask me! You also have the knowledge of any allergies and health concerns. If you still feel like going out to eat, just watch an episode of Kitchen Nightmares with Gordon Ramsay. Suggestion, watch on an empty stomach and a fridge full of choices.

There is a certain love and appreciation for the kitchen now. When you start preparing your own foods, let the exploring begin. Try different things and the more options you'll have. Fresh is Best!

Recipes are simple. Since no animal milk or eggs enter our home, we just replace! Chia seeds makes a great egg consistency, you can use flax seeds as well. Non Dairy Milk choices - Cashew, Soy, Almond, Rice, Coconut, Hemp even Quinoa to name a few. Make your own milk and cheeses.

Make Your Own Nut or Seed Milk

Sunflower/Cashew Milk yields 1 quart

1 quart ice cold water 2/3 cup sunflower seeds OR Cashews 2–3 tsp. sweetener, to taste a dash of vanilla (optional)

  1. Place sunflower seeds in a blender, just covering the blades.

  2. Cover seeds with one cup of water and blend to a purée (about one minute).

  3. Add sweetener and vanilla. Use a plastic spatula or a little water to get the pieces of seeds off the sides of the blender.

  4. When the purée becomes difficult to blend, add a few more tablespoons of water until it is completely smooth.

  5. Fill to the top with ice cold water while still blending.

  •  Optional - Strain milk through a fine strainer or cheesecloth.

  • Use cashews for a rich, cream-like “milk”.

  • Serve with cold cereal, raisins and fruit.

Colorful, Delicious Options - Fajita Taco Avocado Anyone??

Still enjoy your Desserts!!!

Pumpkin Pie anyone? We love a good warm pie especially a freshly made crust too! You won't miss the animals in your food =).

Fruits & Veggies

Perfect way to get some water intake. Natural sugars found in fruits. Make a smoothie with your favorite fruits or add milk and make a shake. One to try is Chia Seed Overnight Pudding.



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