Veganism is a way of living which excludes all forms of exploitation and cruelty to animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.
So with this in mind, it goes without saying that vegans obviously will not consume foods of animal origin.
Don't forget animal skins and horse hair for Musical instruments. Clothing, shoes, jackets, scarves and I am sure they have plenty more ways to make money from the beautiful animals.If you have a heart you know they have feelings too. Families like us and are not here to kill us off! Fish have been migrating due to the lack of food in their Nautral habitat. They are forced to move out of their normal living circumstances to simply find food!
Vegans Stay Away From the following.
Meat: Beef, lamb, pork, veal, horse, goat, organ meat, wild meat, etc.
Poultry: Chicken, turkey, goose, duck, quail, etc.
Fish and seafood: All fish ex: Sushi, sashimi, anchovies, scallops, shrimp, squid, calamari, mussels, crab, lobster, shark, eel, dolphin (mahi mahi) and fish sauce.
Dairy: Milk,, cheese, butter, cream, yogurt, ice cream, etc.
Eggs: From all Animals. Ex. chickens, quails, ostriches and fish.
Bee products: Honey, bee pollen, royal jelly, etc.
Ingredients or additives derived from animals
Many foods contain animal-derived ingredients or additives that most people don’t know about. For this reason, vegans also avoid consuming foods containing:
Certain additives: Look out for - E120, E322, E422, E 471, E542, E631, E901 and E904.
Cochineal or carmine: Ground cochineal scale insects are used to make carmine, a natural dye used to give a red colour to many food products.
Gelatine: This thickening agent comes from the skin, bones and connective tissues of cows and pigs.
Isinglass: This gelatine-like substance is derived from fish bladders. It’s often used in the making of beer or wine.
Natural flavourings: Some of these ingredients are animal-based. One example is castoreum, a food flavouring that comes from the secretions of beavers’ anal scent glands.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Many products that are enriched with omega-3s are not vegan, since most omega-3s come from fish. Omega-3s derived from algae are vegan alternatives.
Shellac: This is a substance secreted by the female lac insect. It’s sometimes used to make a food glaze for sweets or a wax coating for fresh produce.
Vitamin D3: Most vitamin D3 is derived from fish oil or the lanolin found in sheep’s wool, and is often used to fortify foods like cereals. Vitamin D2 and D3 from lichen are vegan alternatives.
Dairy ingredients: Whey, casein and lactose are all derived from dairy.
LOOK BEFORE YOU BUY!!! Too many Products made with GMO, Animals, Animal Derived. I am sure you wouldn't eat your pet... Or would you? View Label Before Consuming.
Want to eat out? Ask about the oil! Some dishes are fried in same oil as animal products.
Other products to keep an eye out for is listed.
Bread products: Some bakery products, such as bagels and breads, contain L-cysteine. This amino acid is used as a softening agent and often comes from poultry feathers.
Beer and wine: Some manufacturers use egg white albumen, gelatine or casein in the beer brewing or winemaking process. Others sometimes use isinglass, a substance collected from fish bladders, to clarify their final product.
Sweets and candy: Many varieties of jelly, marshmallows, gummy bears and chewing gum contain gelatine. Others are coated in shellac or contain a red dye called carmine, which is made from cochineal insects.
French fries: Some varieties are fried in animal fat.
Deep-fried foods: The batter used to make deep-fried foods like onion rings or vegetable tempura sometimes contains eggs.
Pesto: Many varieties of store-bought pesto contain Parmesan cheese.
Pasta: Some types of pasta, especially fresh pasta, contain eggs.
Crisps: Some crisps are flavoured with powdered cheese or contain other dairy ingredients such as casein, whey or animal-derived enzymes.
Refined sugar: Whilst most brands sold in the UK are bone-char free, manufacturers sometimes lighten sugar with bone char (often referred to as natural carbon), which is made from the bones of cattle.
Roasted peanuts: Gelatine is sometimes used when manufacturing roasted peanuts in order to help salt and spices stick to the peanuts better.
Some dark chocolate: Most Dark chocolate is vegan. Some varieties contain animal-derived products such as whey, milk fat, milk solids, clarified butter or nonfat milk powder.
Some produce: Some fresh fruits and veggies are coated with wax. The wax can be petroleum- or palm-based, but may also be made using beeswax or shellac.
Worcestershire sauce: Many varieties contain anchovies.

Ethical VeganMay also object to the practices underlying the production of meat, or cite their concerns about animal welfare, animal rights, environmental ethics, and religious reasons.

Way to Up your water intake. Flavored Water,
Lemons make a good Lemonade, right?
Add some oranges, kiwi, pineapple, lime, strawberry lemonade, Try something, add cane sugar or agave as sweetener.
What will your favorite be?