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VeGan Journey Truths

Naturally Curious

Growing Plants

The Roots

I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your personality, your sense of humor, and most importantly, your heart. All of these elements brought me to start VeGan Journey Truths.

Eating Good, Living good and learning always. Time to share my joy, passion and knowledge with you.

Watch this Video Below to learn some Things a Vegan Eats

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Transitioning Thinking Thoughts

Writer: Vegan Journey TruthsVegan Journey Truths

Updated: Dec 25, 2018

Giving you the basics of How to live a Healthy Vegan Life and Why I Choose to be Vegan.

How To Be Vegan: Real Simple... you ready?

By eating a variety of foods including fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, soy products, and whole grains. Getting enough protein, iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and omega–3 fatty acids.

Being Creative!

Keep It Fresh

Season it up real Good

Besides the basic Lettuce, Tomato, Onion for a salad why not add some nuts or seeds into the mix?

How about some soups or eggplant or squash dishes- Too many to name right now.

Follow me on Pinterest and get some ideas. From Shopping Tips - Planning Meals and Snacks.

You can start off with your Rices, Cans, Pastas, Frozen Mock Meats, Veggies and Fruits

  • No Animals will be harmed in the making of any food.

  • Cruelty to animals is what we stand to fight for.

  • We do not condone Animal Cruelty or the profits off animals.

Seeing the other side

Watching videos of torture, neglect, the unlivable conditions of animals is Sad enough. Make a conscious decision when you're about to eat. All food comes from somewhere, Find the Origin!



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